Open Hours: Mon - Fri 8.00 am - 6.00 pm

Publication 4

Procurement Plan n°9 Amendment 1

The Government of Senegal (“Government” or “GoS”) has been approved for grant funding from the Millennium Challenge Corporation (“MCC”), called a Compact, and intends to apply parts of the proceeds of the funds to payments for contracts for goods, works and services. The Compact includes investment from MCC around US $550 million and an additional US $50 million from the Government, for a total of US $600 million. It includes three projects:

  • The project “Modernizing and strengthening of SENELEC transmission network” aims to provide quality electricity from the lowest cost sources available;
  • The project “Increasing Access to Electricity in Rural and Peri-urban Areas” seeks to increase the supply of, and demand for quality electricity in rural and peri-urban areas of Senegal;
  • The project “Power Sector Enabling Environment and Capacity Development” seeks to create an enabling environment to improve the financial viability of, and to ensure good governance in, the power sector, with the intent of improving the quality and quantity of the electricity supply.

Contracts for Goods, Works and Services listed below and funded under the Compact, will be performed in accordance with principles, rules and procedures set forth in the “MCC Program Procurement Guidelines-MCC PPG” which can be found on MCA-Senegal II ( Website and that of MCC Website

Procurement from April 1, 2021 and March 31, 2022

Procurement of Goods
§  Documents Management System (Archiving system+ Physical mailing )
§  Security equipment
§  Acquisition of IT tools for a Transmission Network Access Office
§  Office Supplies
§  Asset management system and labelling
§  Deco and design expense (other Office start up)
§  Supply of installations of blinds for MCA-Senegal II Office
Procurement of Consultants Services
§  Technical Advisory Firm for Reform Project
§  Audit of the Accounting Unbundling of Senelec
      Individual Consultants
§  Branding for Head Office Consulting
§  Individual Consultant to support MCA on Bids Financial Analysis
§  Individual Consultant to support MCA on procurement document
 Procurement of Works
§  Contractor for the detailed design, furnishing, and installation of the remote load shedding system
Procurement of Non-Consultant Services
§  Cleaning Services firm
§  Office equipment maintenance and repairs
§  Assets physical inventory
§  Firm for Team Building
§  Removal, Installation and Moving Companies
§  Communication firm for Entry Into Force


Procurements are open to all bidders of eligible countries as defined in MCC PPG.

Specific procurement notifications under open bids et for consultant contracts, will be published, gradually according to their availability, on MCA Senegal II website, (, United Nations Development Business website :, DgMarket website «Development Gateway Market» (dgMarket:, in local newspapers and other media, if applicable.

Companies and consultants that wish to be included in the list to receive advertisements, or that will need additional information, will have to contact:

Procurement Agent for MCA-Sénégal II

E-mail : 

The Director General

 Oumar DIOP

Previous GPN_Procurement Plan #9_Amendment 1

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MCA-Sénégal est la structure administrative mise sur place par le Gouvernement du Sénégal et chargée de la Gestion du Programme du Compact.


MCA-Sénégal II, Rue 3 x B, Point E, Immeuble Talix 1er et 2éme étages
Tel : 33 889 05 10 / 13

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Ce site web a été développé grâce à une subvention accordée par le peuple des États-Unis au Sénégal par l’intermédiaire de la Millennium Challenge Corporation, conformément aux termes d’un Compact conclu entre les deux pays. Les informations fournies sur ce site web ne sont pas des informations officielles du gouvernement américain et ne représentent pas les points de vue ou les positions du gouvernement américain ou de la Millennium Challenge Corporation.

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